The space program is broken

A fundamental change is necessary to fix it

Race and gender are being used to establish a tiered system of rights and pay for workers. The system also aids in fraud and corruption in the space program. This compels highly skilled engineers to leave, rewards unethical practices, and led to exploding costs and dwindling results. Fixing these issues starts with admitting that what we have done as a nation is fundamentally immoral.

It begins with a fundamentally racist view

The government decided that there were too many White males in the space program. They decreed that certain spaces would therefore be held for people that are not White males. People that meet this criteria can then create “subcontracting companies” that are given these positions. White male engineers are then required to broker their labor through those companies to work in the space program.

This makes those workers third class citizens

These roles that are “subcontracted” to White males are always entry level jobs. Even though they work in Lockheed Martin, Boeing, or NASA buildings and do the same work as engineers that work directly for those companies, they have no chance for advancement and when the program they are working on ends, they have to find new jobs - usually as a subcontractor in another program.

The “subcontractor” workers are often the “technical people” on programs while the engineers employed directly by NASA, Lockheed, or Boeing work as managers. Subcontractors are not covered by the “ethics” policies of those companies or NASA and can be required to work grotesque extra hours, take the work of others, and can be fired with no warning and no explanation.

A system built for corruption, waste, and abuse

Large companies like Lockheed and Boeing can hand out the subcontracting positions to any race based “company” they choose. This means that subcontracting companies are loyal to the larger companies to facilitate future contracts and not their own “employees”.

This leads not only to abuse of these subcontracting engineers in the form of lower wages and gross overtime without pay but it facilitates massive fraud at NASA where subcontracting engineers can be fired and blamed for massive failures and these subcontractors are never even made aware of the accusations against them.

Predictable results

Highly educated and highly motivated engineers leave the space program and go where their talents and work are rewarded.

These policies should be thrown out for the bigotry that they represent, but it should also be noted that when your goal is to fill spots with specific races and genders and not advance science, you end up with bloated companies and your best workers leaving. This is where NASA is right now and one of the many reasons why is spends more and gets less. See “The Money” page for an examples of this.

Two different worlds

Engineers are forced to pay someone of the appropriate race and gender to work.

What is on this site

Introduction to the problem

The sections above on this page briefly introduce the problem. Another page called “The Problem” covers exactly how the racial subcontracting system functions and why it causes so many problems.

Examples of failure in the space program

A page called “The Money” compares the money spent on the Apollo program and the results it produced to current day Orion program.

My story

There’s a somewhat detailed discussion of the abuse, fraud, and waste that I witnessed in the Orion program. This page also discusses how NASA and the legal system protects these companies when they break the law.

The goal of this site

The ultimate goal is to end these policies at both the national and state level and restore legal equality to White males across all fields. This includes employment at NASA but also includes ending racial discrimination in government contracts, educational opportunities, and legal protections in employment.